I've been watching HGTV this week, while painting our bedroom. This painting job has been postponed because I couldn't face moving 4 dressers, a king size bed, and emptying corners and closet. I left the TV on as I worked, and watched HGTV, mostly those shows with decorators "staging" houses so they would sell quicker. So I get their message, they think clutter is bad. The bedroom was a living example of clutter, and I have to admit my magpie personality-verging on hoarder, sometimes gets the best of me. Now it feels nice walking into my Sand Yellow bedroom, so clean, calm, almost empty. New carpet in place. I'll not be taking a lot of the stuff back in there (she said bravely), so it will stay nice looking (uncluttered) for awhile.
I'm sitting at my desk looking at all my personal items that have turned into clutter. Each item here is needed almost every day, or is so precious to me, that I won't de-clutter this area to any significant degree. Top shelf are family antiques and gifts from students, and friends. There is a story for each item. A picture of Johnny Depp taped to the wall was from a student. An Obama sticker. The top shelf has some antiques from Mom and a picture of my dad holding Brian. I love that shelf. 2nd shelf, more of the same plus some practical items I use frequently. Stapler, reference books. Well, I could put the "Yoga 101 Workout for Beginners" DVD away. I bought it before Christmas and haven't even watched it yet.
Desk area: My favorite place in the house. A little TV sits to the left of my monitor. There's usually a little bowl of kitty food for Danny to eat when she comes to visit me. My vitamins and calcium plus D are beside the TV so I'll remember to take them sometimes. A bottle of Gold Bond lotion, dental floss, TV remote. Personal mail and Things That Need Taken Care Of sit there too.
To my right is a swivel magnifying lamp. I've found if I keep it on, for some reason the glare of the monitor doesn't tire my eyes so quickly. Beside the light I stuck a little clip on fan which goes on if I have a hot flash. There's a jewelers loupe 'cause my eyes are weak, tweezers, nail clippers, a comb for my cats and dog.
But back to the bedroom. I papered the ceiling, the hall and down the stairway. It is an embossed design made to look like a tin ceiling. I think it's kind of tacky but it covered a world of woes up there. The paint is on, a coat of primer and two coats of "one coat" paint. http://www.myperfectcolor.com/Match-of-Walmart-93212-Yellow-Sand-p/mpc0085145.htm
Soon a new bed will be delivered, which I'm kind of nervous about. After reading all the reviews on the internet I'm not sure there is a decent durable mattress made anymore. I have laid on mattresses all over town, with strange men watching and inviting me to lay on my side and stomach, wiggle around and take my time. I didn't like that experience at all. At Andres Furniture I laid on a bed that cost $5999.99! If you are ever there I highly recommend trying it out. So, the bedroom is about finished. Maybe I'll post a picture after the bed arrives, and before the clutter sneaks back in. Guaranteed, this house will never be ready for HGTV, and that was never my goal. I just really love fresh paint.
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