
Best Christmas Present This Year

My husband and I have two sons. They don't know it, but they both just gave us the best Christmas present they could, days before the 25th. Due to varying work schedules we all have trouble getting together as much as we'd like to. This past Thursday one of them went Christmas shopping with me, and we ate lunch together at Dante's, a little restaurant in New Philadelphia. (A house behind it is the first house I remember living in, we were there until the early 60's. And the Dante's house used to be Evans Funeral Home.) The last time I'd eaten there was with my mother, so I was surprised how long it had been when I thought of that. Thanks for taking that time Brian, you can't know how special it was for me.

Not to be left out, BOTH sons put their dad in the car and drove up to Canton Friday afternoon. Their goal was to buy him a new pair of tower speakers for Christmas. I can't remember when the 3 men in our family did something alone, just the guys. My husband came home happy, excited, animated, and full of little stories, each detail was spread out over the evening and I realized what a precious time this was for him.

We'll open our presents in a few more days and have fun, but the biggest gift has already been given, spending some time that is precious to us all with each other. Thanks, guys. Love you both!

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